How developing countries can take advantage of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
The new techno-economic paradigm offers a window of opportunity for latecomer countries to leapfrog into new sectors and industries.
The new techno-economic paradigm offers a window of opportunity for latecomer countries to leapfrog into new sectors and industries.
El nuevo paradigma tecno-económico ofrece una ventana de oportunidad para que los países que se incorporan de manera tardía den el salto a nuevos sectores e industrias.
A new approach to measuring trade provides new insights for analysing growth and designing industrial policies.
The reversal of industrialization trends in Sub-Saharan Africa raises hopes about the future of manufacturing in the region.
La inversión de las tendencias de industrialización en África subsahariana trae esperanzas sobre el futuro de la industria manufacturera en la región.
Why strengthening the foundational capabilities must be at the core of policy efforts to benefit from the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Por qué el fortalecimiento de las capacidades fundacionales debe ser el núcleo de los esfuerzos políticos para beneficiarse de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial.
The evidence to date suggests that 3D printing might actually complement trade in goods.