Leaders and laggards in the diffusion of industrial robots
Differences between data sources make it challenging to identify the leaders and laggards in the adoption of industrial robots.
Differences between data sources make it challenging to identify the leaders and laggards in the adoption of industrial robots.
Diferencias entre las fuentes disponibles dificultan la identificación de líderes y rezagados en la adopción de robots industriales.
Innovation can provide swift remedies to the COVID-19 linked recession. Policy should contain incentives to innovate in the long-term.
La innovación puede aportar soluciones rápidas a la recesión vinculada a la COVID-19. La política debe incluir incentivos para innovar a largo plazo.
A new approach to measuring trade provides new insights for analysing growth and designing industrial policies.
The reversal of industrialization trends in Sub-Saharan Africa raises hopes about the future of manufacturing in the region.
La inversión de las tendencias de industrialización en África subsahariana trae esperanzas sobre el futuro de la industria manufacturera en la región.
The localization of mineral-based global value chains and clean energy presents an opportunity for Africa to industrialize.