Industries post-COVID-19: A gender-responsive approach to global economic recovery
Women’s specific needs and potential as leaders and agents of change must be considered for COVID-19 mitigation and recovery measures.
Women’s specific needs and potential as leaders and agents of change must be considered for COVID-19 mitigation and recovery measures.
Las necesidades específicas y el potencial de las mujeres como líderes y agentes de cambio deben tenerse en cuenta para las medidas de mitigación y recuperación de la COVID-19.
New evidence offers insights into challenges and opportunities for the creation of high-quality manufacturing jobs in Africa.
Nuevos datos ofrecen una visión de los retos y las oportunidades para la creación de empleos manufactureros de alta calidad en África.
The evidence to date suggests that 3D printing might actually complement trade in goods.
Los datos disponibles hasta la fecha indican que la impresión 3D podría complementar el comercio de bienes.
Novel data provides insights into how Kenya’s domestic firm network links with international markets.
A three-dimensional taxonomy for designing and assessing green industrial policies for sustainable development.