Mission-oriented industrial strategies for achieving the SDGs
Industrial strategies can steer the direction of growth towards well-defined goals.
Industrial strategies can steer the direction of growth towards well-defined goals.
MNEs' social innovations have successfully contributed to addressing the COVID-19 challenges, but how sustainable are they in the long run?
Identifying and leveraging trade, investment and industrial policies that can attract and retain intangible capital.
While public interventions are crucial, global transformation requires the deep engagement and alignment of the private sector.
Why revisiting traditional frames of reference on firm-level capabilities is crucial to unlock benefits of digital transformation.
The pandemic is a reminder that investments in scientific, technological and productive capacities are necessary to build resilience in crises.
The recovery of supply chains can be supported through trade policies and firm-specific initiatives.
COVID-19 struck at the core of GVC hub regions, with severe implications for international production networks.