How industrial policy can mitigate the impact of the pandemic
Policy actions and coordination will be crucial in mitigating the impacts of the global pandemic on industry.
Policy actions and coordination will be crucial in mitigating the impacts of the global pandemic on industry.
Acciones coordinadas de política industrial serán cruciales para mitigar el impacto de la pandemia mundial en la industria.
LDCs may have recovered their industrial production but not their trade in manufacturing products.
Los PMA pueden haber recuperado su producción industrial, pero no su comercio de productos manufacturados.
Food manufacturers must adapt to rising commodity prices by modifying the composition of food products and increasing local content.
Los fabricantes de alimentos deben adaptarse al aumento de los precios de las materias primas, modificando la composición de los productos alimentarios y aumentando el contenido local.
Developed countries should provide more resources for developing countries’ green transition to boost global climate efforts.
What industries in developing countries can do