The impact of frontier technologies on inequalities across countries
To mitigate the risk of being left behind, developing countries should adopt frontier technologies while diversifying their economies.
To mitigate the risk of being left behind, developing countries should adopt frontier technologies while diversifying their economies.
Para mitigar el riesgo de quedarse atrás, los países en desarrollo deben adoptar tecnologías de vanguardia al mismo tiempo que diversifican sus economías.
Support from the international community is needed to help developing countries take advantage of green windows of opportunity.
Exploring priorities for capitalizing on the green transition.
A pioneering index to measure countries’ preparedness to embrace and adapt frontier technologies.
The evidence to date suggests that 3D printing might actually complement trade in goods.
Los datos disponibles hasta la fecha indican que la impresión 3D podría complementar el comercio de bienes.
Identifying and leveraging trade, investment and industrial policies that can attract and retain intangible capital.