Enhancing industrial policy capabilities: A multilateral approach to knowledge-sharing
Mechanisms to foster multilateral knowledge-sharing and mutual learning can inform innovative approaches to industrial policymaking.
Mechanisms to foster multilateral knowledge-sharing and mutual learning can inform innovative approaches to industrial policymaking.
An assessment of trends in trade flows and expectations for the future.
MNEs' social innovations have successfully contributed to addressing the COVID-19 challenges, but how sustainable are they in the long run?
Why revisiting traditional frames of reference on firm-level capabilities is crucial to unlock benefits of digital transformation.
How removing barriers for women entrepreneurs in the cleantech sector can ensure a green and inclusive recovery from the pandemic.
The pandemic-induced crisis will have severe impacts on household incomes and industries in the region and requires swift policy actions.
The pandemic is a reminder that investments in scientific, technological and productive capacities are necessary to build resilience in crises.