How can Mexico capitalize on its industrial capabilities?
A data-driven approach to address Mexico's industrial policy in a post-pandemic era.
A data-driven approach to address Mexico's industrial policy in a post-pandemic era.
MNEs' social innovations have successfully contributed to addressing the COVID-19 challenges, but how sustainable are they in the long run?
Road infrastructure can play a key role in ensuring that trade liberalization results in productivity enhancements for firms.
Why revisiting traditional frames of reference on firm-level capabilities is crucial to unlock benefits of digital transformation.
New evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa shows that public procurement policies improve domestic firm performance.
The potential for bringing production back home crucially depends on local innovation ecosystems.
The pandemic is a reminder that investments in scientific, technological and productive capacities are necessary to build resilience in crises.
The recovery of supply chains can be supported through trade policies and firm-specific initiatives.