Boosting digital transformation for sustainable development
Accelerating the digital transformation in Least Developed Countries is crucial for bridging the digital divide.
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Niki Rodousakis recently started working for the Capacity Development and Policy Advice Unit (CDA) at the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Before joining CDA, she was the Editor of the Policy, Research and Statistics Department (PRS) at UNIDO. She worked as a Research Fellow for the Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences (ICCR) for many years, where she conducted strategic policy analysis and research on numerous social science-related topics and contributed to academic publications.
Accelerating the digital transformation in Least Developed Countries is crucial for bridging the digital divide.
STI-led strategies to unleash the future potential of nature-based industrialization.
Substantive progress is needed on specific sustainable industrialization indicators.
A novel tool can help navigate diversification opportunities and drive structural change.
Countries can pick up their pace with policies based on reliable industrial statistics.
Efficiency, substitution and resilience are keywords for action.