Engaging the diaspora in internationalizing Colombia’s economy
The diaspora can support the country’s diversification and foster its economic integration into global value chains.
The diaspora can support the country’s diversification and foster its economic integration into global value chains.
The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the importance of international cooperation for better future pandemic preparedness.
Manufacturing is the key to economic growth and underpins inclusive and sustainable development.
Circularity can offer a backbone for public policy to support industrial development amidst existing environmental and social concerns.
The circular economy proposes a profoundly different model leading to growth and jobs without compromising the environment.
China’s post-COVID-19 recovery may hold clues to the future of global value chains.
The recovery of supply chains can be supported through trade policies and firm-specific initiatives.
COVID-19 struck at the core of GVC hub regions, with severe implications for international production networks.