Aligning digital and industrial policy to foster future industrialization
Four emerging approaches to national data policies, as data is becoming a key component of the digital economy.
Four emerging approaches to national data policies, as data is becoming a key component of the digital economy.
Countries must rethink innovation and investment policy measures to enable long-term sustainability.
By creating multi-stakeholder collaboration platforms we can drive awareness and market uptake of green and digital technologies.
A sociotechnical approach offers a framework for understanding the various facets and interactions of the industry.
China’s post-COVID-19 recovery may hold clues to the future of global value chains.
The pandemic-induced crisis will have severe impacts on household incomes and industries in the region and requires swift policy actions.
The pandemic is causing massive disruptions to flows of foreign direct investments. Developing countries are likely to be hit the hardest.
The recovery of supply chains can be supported through trade policies and firm-specific initiatives.