Enhancing industrial policy capabilities: A multilateral approach to knowledge-sharing
Mechanisms to foster multilateral knowledge-sharing and mutual learning can inform innovative approaches to industrial policymaking.
Mechanisms to foster multilateral knowledge-sharing and mutual learning can inform innovative approaches to industrial policymaking.
A novel tool using firm–level data to assess the economic, social and environmental impact of circularity.
STI-led strategies to unleash the future potential of nature-based industrialization.
MNEs' social innovations have successfully contributed to addressing the COVID-19 challenges, but how sustainable are they in the long run?
Protecting the manufacturing sector against complex risks is a crucial pillar of disaster resilience.
The evidence to date suggests that 3D printing might actually complement trade in goods.
Embedding digitalization as part of the wider industrialization strategy can enable developing country firms to climb up the value chain ladder.
Why revisiting traditional frames of reference on firm-level capabilities is crucial to unlock benefits of digital transformation.